Listening to my audio
commentary I realized that even though I tried to fix my thesis it was still in
passive voice, therefore, making it longer than it should be. Another thing you
pointed out was the fact that I was being too general in certain phrases such
as “typical up-bringing of girls.” The ‘typical’ in the sentence may be
controversial in the sense that I can’t assume all girls are raised the same
way in order to prove my point. Also, in my word choice I decided to use the
word ”dominated”, which I understand is a word that contradicts my thesis and
what the series is trying to show. You suggested that I use “oppressive world”
and this way women are seen not in a weakening stance, but rather a reality
that is kept silent.
My conclusion was in fact
rushed in the way that was I was saying was truly important and I just left it
unfinished. I could have gone more from the specific to the general in order to
talk about the true implications of lexicon in the feminine world.
Don't forget about the good stuff. The paper overall was really interesting and showed lots of original thought.