Thursday, August 30, 2012

From Thunder to Storm

 After being in such a traumatic "accident" (if I may even call it that) the memoir won’t have much of a jubilant tone. It falls more or less into the category of sorrow even negative. I won’t dare to label this text with just one word that describes the tone just yet, after all I’ve only read one fourth of the book so I’ll probably wait and blog about it later. 

The way Brent decided to narrate the events of the accidents is brief and concise. He skims over those important details and feelings that the reader just begs to know, but that is how he felt and thought of the time. From the point where he pours gasoline on himself to when he is in the hospital I found a list if words to describe the emotion behind the text. For one part he is never pessimistic about anything, he accepts the fact he burned himself, but never is he wrathful and obnoxious. When he is having tubes being removed in the middle of the night and nurses picking out scabs from all over his body he sounds regretful. It convinces him he will never go through anything like that again, he begins to mourn to his parents in order to find some sort of conciliation as to why he is the only one who is trying to kill himself. His wounds make him feel disgusted and disturbed, “it makes me feel sick to look at them. God. I close my eyes"(40). 

I predict that the tone will change into the extremes later on in the book because he is going to have to confront everybody at school, he is going to have to find acceptance of his physique, and most importantly, he is going to have to overcome his suicidal feelings. All of this can transform some of my soft words such as remorse and mournful into wrathful and threatening when it comes to decoding the authors tone

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